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Our dedicated tax team is here to address your business and individual taxation matters. We have experienced staff with technical knowledge and skills to assist you with tax and regulatory matters. Our team is equipped with the right skills and consistently updated with the policies and regulations of domestic and international jurisdictions when it
comes to tax problems.

As an expert taxation firm, we can help you with the following types of taxes:

Value added Tax
Our experienced staff provides the client with a complete range of tax issues which includes:
Corporate Taxation
Professional services for both local and multi-national companies; to assist companies with the implementation of tax strategy keeping in view the main objectives of the company. Our services include:

Financial Advisory

Our dedicated team with years-long experience can help you with key decisions impacting business performance. A multi-disciplinary team specializing in accounting, tax, and IT services with sector-specific experience. Our range of services in this sector includes:

Secretarial Services

Compliance with legal laws and regulations is a challenge in terms of today’s corporate law with complex legislation for local and foreign entities. No worries, our skilled team is here to help you comply with the plethora of legal provisions contained in the legislation, our wide range of services includes:

Accounting & Book-keeping

Back office tasks such as accounting and book-keeping can utilize company resources and valuable time. We as an expert in the field can provide you with quality services for complete end-to-end documentation, while, you can focus on business-critical tasks.

The accounting and book-keeping services include but are not exclusive to:

Payroll Services

Number Nerds provides complete payroll services along with employee taxation matters. Our expert team is available to help the management in payroll advisory by maintaining
legal compliance.

Does your company want to focus and utilize resources in business-critical areas and outsource payroll management? Number Nerds is the right solution for you. We will bring efficiency to the process with our expert workforce by offering advanced payroll and
taxation software.

At Number Nerds, we believe in building a relationship of confidence and trust with our
clients. We are your trusted partners for the required work, where, you can focus on
areas of business with more critical job responsibilities.

Audit & Reporting

We at Number Nerds follow a business-oriented approach to understand client needs. We provide the following auditing services:

Internal Audit